How To Play

Decided to give a Ballbrains a chance, huh? Great! Let’s learn how to play Ballbrains and enjoy the wealth of statistics available within the NBA.


As you probably already knew, Basketball is a sport where a lot of metrics are tracked to measure individual player performance. (see Abbreviations for all of the categories used in Ballbrains)

This means that each player usually brings skills to the table, which can be observed at an analytical level to rate the player’s effectiveness or efficiency. Some players excel in scoring points, whereas others may be great at generating assists or rebounding for their team.

The Goal of Ballbrains is to figure out who the NBA player presented is based on their career statistics.

Game Modes

We have built a number of Game Modes to provide different levels of difficulty. We recognize that getting the player right even at the Rookie Level can be quite difficult, but to a certain subset of NBA fans, this may feel easy and so we have a number of harder Game Modes to complement your gameplay and provide you with the right challenge.

Each Game Mode feature two key gameplay elements:

  • Number of Minimum Seasons/Career Stops
  • Available Statistical Categories

Briefly, the harder the difficulty, the less information will be available to help you figure out who the player is. Below are the available statistical categories for each Game Mode.


Rookie (Easy) Difficulty


Veteran (Standard) Difficulty

Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame (Hard) Difficulty

And That’s It!

And so, that is all you should need to know to get started with Ballbrains. We have also written a Tips Guide that can help you improve your skill here.

So, what are you waiting for – Let’s Play Ballbrains!